Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited (or DDO for short) is a free mmorpg developed by Turbine. Set in the vast and dangerous online world of Eberron, gamers discover hidden treasure, pummel monsters, and look to evade traps left behind by an ancient race. By leveraging the most active, most realistic combat system of any online game, DDO players deliver and feel every blow that goes into a baddie’s demise. Take part in strategic, tactical battles using a combination of collision mechanics and real-time combat. Take on the mantle of a well-armored fighter and protect your weaker companions by blocking incoming arrows or obstructing enemies in a narrow hallway.
Ready to play directly in your browser, Dungeons & Dragons Online offers a unique and refreshing take when it comes to battle. Known as the Active Combat system, fighting in DDO is unlike anything you’ve ever seen in an MMO. DDO gives you the ability to feel the action at your fingertips as your skill is truly tested! Monsters can see and hear you, adding entirely new elements to an already advanced system — for no longer is combat relegated to simply pressing your number keys. Choose your race between Warfoged, drow, dwarf, halfling, elf and human.