Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is a MMORPG, developed by Funcom for Windows, based on the world and works of acclaimed author Robert E. Howard. In Age of Conan, players enter Hyboria with thousands of their friends and enemies to live, fight, and explore the dark and brutal world of King Conan. The Real Combat engine is based on five directions, or ways, of attacking an opponent with a sword, each relating to a directional slash. The point here is that these directions lend themselves naturally to being strung together in combinations. These combos unlock additional damage and faster combat, if done well. At the start of the game, melee characters will only have access to three directional attacks – the additional two are unlocked later as the character progresses in levels.
It features an advanced combat system lets you choose every cut, thrust, and swing in real time, groundbreaking graphics plunge you into a world of breathtaking beauty, a massive fantasy world based on over 75 years of books, movies, art, and music, developed in close collaboration with Conan Inc. to ensure the most realistic Conan experience ever seen, an unprecedented character development and customization system with combo attacks, skills, special abilities, and deadly spells ensures no two characters are exactly the same and an extensive story-driven single player adventure to start the game drawing you deep into the scheming, seduction, intrigue, and betrayal of Hyboria.